These sessions are 20-30 minutes long and are generally scheduled back to back in 30 minute increments. You will receive anywhere from 40-80 images via an online gallery with printing rights. The gallery will not expire, images can be downloaded at full quality and can be printed through the gallery or taken to be printed at a place of your choosing.
Saturday September 12th
Saturday October 10th
Saturday October 17th
Saturday October 31st (half day)
Saturday November 7th (Christmas Minis)
September 12th: Sharon Woods Westerville
October 10th: Coffman Park Dublin
October 17th: Sharon Woods Westerville
October 31st: Coffman Park Dublin
November 7th: Worthington on the Square
Minis are $175.
$50 is due upon booking to save your spot and the remaining $125 is due at the time of your session. Payment can be made via Venmo, Zelle, Cash or Check or via my online system linked directly through the pay now button on your invoice.
** Deposits must be paid through one of the online options in order to receive payment promptly and secure your spot.
Venmo: imlauramarie
Zelle: 419-560-8650
Checks to: Laura Margraff or I'm Laura Marie
Through the invoice (will receive in an email after you fill out the form below)

Step 1: Check for/Select an available time slot
Step 2: Fill out the form below AFTER a time is picked
Step 3: Pay the deposit and sign the contract
(you will receive an email with information on how to pay/where to sign)
How to prepare
Many people wait to change their kids until they arrive at the location, this is always a good idea! If your kids are particularly shy, remember to talk to your kids ahead of time about where they are going, what we are going to do, mention my name a few times so they are getting used to the idea and aren’t caught off guard when they arrive. A few helpful things you might like to bring to your session: a water bottle, clean/simple snacks for the kids, baby wipes/tissues, bug spray.
Arrive on time
Please come in plenty of time. These sessions are scheduled back to back and if one person runs late it bumps the whole schedule down. Come a little early if you can! I will have my phone on me but won't be able to touch base with you until my current session ends.
What if the weather is bad?
If the weather is looking bad, I will be in touch with each of you. I will make the ultimate call on what I want to do that day. If it's looking spotty, I will come regardless and let you decide on if you'd like to reschedule or not. I will offer reschedule dates for these sessions - generally on a Sunday soon following the original date.
What if we are sick/need to cancel?
If you or your children might be getting sick and you know smiles might be hard to come by, I ask that you try your absolute hardest to make it - but I understand if you have to cancel. Unfortunately I can't offer you a new time until the next round of minis, or you can book a full session whenever you are available! Please cancel as SOON as possible in the hopes that I could get your spot filled!
Can we bring the dog?
Yes! Pets are definitely welcome! I would suggest bringing a friend along to help when we aren’t including the dog in photos. Be sure to bring treats and plastic bags! Also be sure to let me know ahead of time.
How long to get the photos back?
A lot depends on the busyness of the season, but I generally say somewhere in the 2-3 week range. Please be patient as I work as fast as I can. I hopefully will be able to get previews out to you, but it is not always a guarantee.
What do we wear?!
Well, I'm so glad you asked.. :) The past few months I have worked extensively on creating a simple and easy guide to help you pick outfits! I give basic tips, plenty of visual outfit ideas, a link to my Pinterest pages (full of inspiration), as well as a full list of favorite places (suggested by lots of my own clients) to purchase outfits! Find the guide at the links below!